Minerals (Cement/Lime)
- Cement Kiln Dedusting filters
- Coal Mill Dedusitng filters, upgrades & Services
- Cement Mill De-dusting Filters, upgrades and services
- Lime Kiln de-dusting plants
- Rock grinding and crushing plant - Dedusting systems
- Capacity upgrades of Bag Houses/Filters in Cement and Lime plants
- Nuisance area de-dusting systems in Cement, Lime other plants.
- PTFE membrane technologies for capacity enhancement with minimum modifications with outlet emissions as low as 5mg/Nm3
- Capsule Type Filter units for existing Filter Unit Upgrades
- Electro Static Precipitators - efficiency improvements, upgrades and conversions to Bag House
- ID Fans, Centrifugal Fans, Blower Units for increased efficiencies
Vast application knowledge &
expertise to dust nuisance problems